I was an early adopter of Sky Safari and am very happy to upgrade to version 4 which has even more features than the prior version 3.8! The “Pro” version not only allows for full telescope control, wirelessly or with RS232 connection but also has a very large database and nearly 1GB in size. This means that you can seamlessly use SkySafari not only as a robust planetarium and oberving planning tool but also as fully automatic telescope remote control application. SkySafari works great not just if you are primarily visual but also is a valuable resource if you are an experienced imager, allowing you to rapidly locate and verify that your telescope is on target. Lastly, the developers are very much attuned to their customers, with an excellent track record of responding to user questions and incorporating many of the most requested upgrades from the user community. A great program and awesome customer service, you can’t beat that. Typically full fledged astronomy planning, planetarium and telescope control programs cost 3-4x what SkySafari costs, so its also an excellent value for your money.
AV77789 about SkySafari 4 Pro